We Turn To Tarot! With Sasha Graham


October 24th

We are all about using every tool out there to build our strongest selves and most loving relationships. So in this magical time of year, when the air and atmosphere are changing once again and we get ready to nestle a bit closer to the earth for the winter, how can we use the ancient practice of tarot to gain insight into our ever-changing inner selves? How can the cards offer guidance, wisdom, comfort, and challenge? What about the practice does pop culture misrepresent, and what about the tarot have to offer even the greatest of unbelievers?On today's show, tarot reader and author Sasha Graham shares how her experience with tarot has helped her to nurture and guide clients from all walks of life. How the lessons on the cards can inspire everyday moments, including the meals we make (like matching the Nine of Pentacles with a molten lava cake recipe for one!) and the relationships we build. Then, as Ben and Jax are working at very different places in their quest for lasting love, she turns cards for them, applying their lessons to two very specific conundrums.



Sasha was born just after midnight on a chilly Halloween night in New York state's Adirondack Mountains. She received a BA in Literature and Religion at Hunter College before beginning her tarot work at the Tarot School and opening a private reading practice.Sasha quickly found work with the fashion and media set, becoming a staple at Fashion's Night Out and serving clients such as Alice + Olivia, M. Missoni, The Reformation and Christian Louboutin. Sasha and her work have been featured in documentaries and media outlets such as Sirius XM Radio, The Wall Street Journal, The Daily News, WPIX Channel 11 Morning News, MarieClaire.com and Crain's New York Business.  She is the author of Llewellyn's Tarot Diva, 365 Tarot Spreads, and 365 Tarot Spells, and served as editor and contributing writer of Lo Scarabeo's Tarot Fundamentals, Tarot Experience, and Tarot Compendium.Sasha is most proud of her Tarot Outreach Program, developed for New York City's at-risk, inner city youth. Working with kids transitioning out of the foster care system, Sasha used tarot and symbol as the igniting point of nurturing personal intuition. She taught that trust in oneself can be rebuilt. This trust can be used to empower a population robbed of stability and security.Sasha, her husband, and daughter split their time between Manhattan and the eerily gothic, "Jane Eyre-esque" landscape of upstate New York.  She is working on Llewellyn's Complete Guide to the Rider Waite Smith Tarot and on her first tarot deck, The Haunted House Tarot, both being released in 2018.Connect with Sasha on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as on her Blog and at www.SashaGraham.com.


365 Tarot Spreads

A tarot reading is a quest for answers to your greatest questions, deepest desires, and most profound needs. The power of tarot lies in the questions, and now you can discern answers to those questions with fascinating and magical results 365 days a year. Use 365 Tarot Spreads year after year with spreads you can apply anytime and in any situation. Each spread is based on a significant historical or magical occurrence on that particular day, and each one is accompanied by a detailed explanation and sample questions to focus on while reading. This wondrous guide provides a magnificent journey to achieve enlightenment every day.365-tarot-spells

365 Tarot Spells

Discover the beautiful tapestry of magic and tarot, woven together to improve your life through daily spells. Tarot is the perfect magical tool, and 365 Tarot Spells provides everything you need to manifest your desires and make your soul’s intention a reality. Each spell is based on a significant historical or magical occurrence on that particular day and is accompanied by a list of ingredients, visualization, meditation, affirmation, card layout, and more. Immerse yourself in the energy of all seventy-eight tarot cards with connection rituals. Cook with magical intention using a variety of recipe-based spells. An ideal companion to Sasha Graham’s 365 Tarot Spreads, this book offers spells for every calendar date that can be cast with any deck. Experience the wondrous interconnectivity of magic and tarot, and reinvent yourself in the process.tarotdivacover

Tarot Diva

Putting a fun and fresh spin on the art of card reading, professional tarot reader Sasha Graham unveils the magic and mystery of a tarot deck. She shows that the tarot is much more than a deck of cards―it's a fantastic tool for embracing your beauty, unleashing your power, and enriching your life. For beginners and seasoned professionals alike, Tarot Diva teaches tarot basics and presents creative new ways to explore each card's particular energies: meditations, exercises, recipes, spells, charms, and even fashion tips. You'll weave enchantment through every aspect of your life . . . and discover the diva within.


A Recipe for The Lovers Out There: French Onion Soup According to Tarot


A Dancer, An Empty Opera House, Home